The calendar shows October 31st. You can call this day whatever you want. One day before All Saints' Day, Halloween, Dia de los Muertos or the day on which the clocks are changing. But what else does this day bring with it. Story based on a true story or not.
A cold wind blows incessantly over the almost deserted alleys of the 2nd district in Vienna. The otherwise overcrowded area has turned into a ghost district. One day before, despite the pandemic, the turmoil could not be stopped. I look at my watch and can't believe I lost my way in this area at this time. Today and tomorrow the shops are closed and my refrigerator is empty. Why didn't I think about going shopping earlier? My horror story of the week will be starving over the weekend.
Billa has something for everyone
I finally reach Billa at Praterstern. Suddenly I remember where the entire 2nd district is today. As courageous as I am, the thought of having to order pizza from today onwards if I don't throw myself into the fray, frightens me. I enter the shop with a clear conscience. At the meat section, I call the salesman in a sweet voice, as apparently nobody is behind the counter. The door in the back room jerks open and a little shock pulls me out of my thoughts. Mister Vampire himself wants to sell me a finished steak. “Do you want it bloody or through?” I can't hold back my laughter and can't breathe because of the images in my head. I turn to the customer next to me to laugh with her and notice her serious expression. Apparently she went shopping hangry. Her look tells me that I should hurry instead of giggling around here like a child.
Almost at the destination of my dreams
Rasch nehme ich nur meine Leberkässemmel und das Rinderfilet. Mein Einkaufswagen ist randvoll mit allen möglichen Leckereien gefüllt. Ich schlendere langsam zur Kasse und staune nicht schlecht. Da hat wohl halb Wien den Billa mit einem Kostümwettbewerb verwechselt. Ein Clown vor mir, ein Teuferl hinter mir. „Ist denn heut Fasching?“ rufe ich verdattert. Wieder bin ich die einzige die vor sich hinkichert. 10 Minuten später kommt die gruseligste Aussage, die wohl jeder kennt. „Zweite Kasse bitte!“Bei diesem Satz sträuben sich bei mir die Haare am Nacken und ich träume davon wie ich schon zu Hause bin und ein leckeres Rinderbratenfilet mit Bratkartoffel zubereite.
Pizza good all good
45 minutes, a fight and numerous arguments later, it's my turn. Calmly I reach for my bag and there it is... I left my wallet at home. Well, I won't undergo to any of that stress ever again, but the meat loaf is still in my budget. The moral of the story: don't go grocery shopping on a holiday like this one. And as for the pizza - the pizza delivery guy came as a horror Turtle. So this bad day had a happy ending after all I guess.